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In the United States, there are many rewards for starting a small business. America offers several programs for your business to grow and prosper in the American market.

The government spends billions on small business contracts. To put it in perspective, it spends $500 million an hour, every day, 365 days a year.

The Richest Client in the World


647 billion dollars were used for government contracts

To promote small business participation in federal contracting, there is a government-wide goal to award approximately one-fourth of contract dollars to small businesses.


The graphs show how the government has spent its funds in the year 2021.

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You can find more information for the year 2021 on the GAO page located here

1/4 of all federal contract dollars are reserved for small businesses.
2021 - Breakdown.png

Hay muchas oportunidades de obtener contratos del departamento de defensa, lo dificil es encontrarlas


$665 billion in contracts. $70 billion more than the previous year.

If we realize, most of the money was used in the Department of Defense (DoD)

Approximately 63% of the funds were designated for the DoD

The defense department spent $421.8 billion on contracts.


The DoD agencies that spent the most were.


Navy $150 billion - 36%

Army $100 billion - 23%

Air Force $80 billion - 18%

The armed forces need all kinds of services and products including office cleaning, grounds maintenance, medical supplies, and even certain construction projects.


The federal government spent more than $586 billion on these contracts.


If we look at the statistics, we realize that the government has spent most of its funds on the defense department.



Looking at the graph, in the year 2018, I use 65% of the funds designated in the DoD

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$554 billion dollars were used in contracts for small businesses

Although $554 billion sounds like a large amount, notice the graph to the left. It explains that 80% of contracts in civil agencies were competed for and only 58.2% of contracts in defense agencies were not competed for.


I'll explain this but for now, know that the Armed Forces are not free to compete for all contracts for reasons such as national security, and classified information.

Hopefully you can realize how massive the US government is as a customer.


Each year is dedicated to awarding contracts and it is very important that the owners of small

company are informed of the business practices of the government.


This information is totally public only that you have to look for it in the depths of the Internet.

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